Saturday, September 5, 2009

Twitter and the National Football League (NFL)

At a time when teams are trimming their rosters, the twitter world was rocked by a tweet from Chad OchoCinco (arguably the most prolific tweeter the NFL has). In his tweet he let the fans know he would no longer be tweeting due to the NFL's new rules...

Now when I first heard of Twitter, I thought it was stupid. Why would I want to stalk people and in turn be stalked by people all while tweeting thoughts, feelings and locations in 140 words or less. Was I ever wrong.

First I started following and tweeting with my favorite football players which allowed me a glympse into the person inside the star. On twitter Chad OchoCinco was a football player, a regular dude, reporter of breaking news and star of the OchoCinco show. From watching this, I really grew to like the person and not just the athlete...

But Goodell and the NFL was watching...I can guess that their thought process went "we cant have players interacting with the fans directly and unfiltered"..."we are not making any money off of this"...or my personal favorite "this could reignite the fans passions for the game, despite my (Goodell) best efforts to destroy it, mwah ha ha".

As an intelligent fan i understand you dont want players tweeting their playbooks, and realistically who would do that. The players want to win, probably more than I want them to because their jobs can depend on it.

Now the NFL, realizing that they cant ban twitter outright has decided to implement a number of rules dictating how players tweet.  One of these rules tell players no tweeting 90 mins. before or 90 mins. after a game. Why??? As I stated before these players want to win and they are professionals. Most will not tweet instead of preparing for a game, and those that do can be easily weeded out and their spot given to someone willing to do the work. Are players allowed to make phone calls 90 minutes before or after a game? What about emails? Can they speak with friends and family?

As Americans we have certain rights, free speech being one of them. I encourage all football fans and fans of free speech contact Goodell and tell him what you think of his "Dictatorship", I mean tenure as NFL Commish.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell at (212) 450-2000 (please leave a message)
National Football League
Attn: Roger Goodell, Commissioner
280 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017

1 comment:

  1. indeed im with u and very well put maybe when they can tax it everything will work out but then it will be outta control like the twitter halftime show smh yes GOODELL is a pic of work shame on him


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