Sunday, September 6, 2009

I solved Healthcare and Politics had nothing to do with it...

So I was thinking about when I was a kid and remembering before we had health insurance...I grew up in a family that lived check to check, yet my brother and I always got our checkups or went to the drs as needed. When health insurance came in the picture, even though I was still fairly young, I wondered how it could be possible, it just didn't seem logical. A family pays X amount to an insurance company per month and I get to see a Dr at a discount or and extremely low “co-payment”. What could be better...for the patient...or so it seemed.
As I got older I worked in the Insurance Industry and learned that the Dr really gets ripped off in the process. Say I pay my $10 Co-payment to my Dr. Lets also say that I am feeling sick and we suspect I have Strep throat. Now even though I only paid $10 I expect the Dr to run every test necessary in order to determine what my illness is as opposed to guessing. However those tests cost money....
Now the Dr. generally gets a stipend monthly for the patients whether they are seen or not, but generally its small. Then the Doctor has to submit the appropriate forms with procedures that have been completed. The insurance company then pays a portion of the costs for said visit and procedures. This does not always balance out as we can assume it does. Even worse is how long they wait to be reimbursed by the insurer.
Doctors are in turn paying off medical school loans, paying administrative costs, and expected to provide quality service with the latest and greatest in equipment and tools. More and more this is why you will wait past your appointment time to see the Dr for a few minutes.
So I thought how do we fix health care. I am AGAINST the health care being presented by our government. My main first problem with the current plan is how fast they are trying to push it thru...Nothing hurried gets done right except a race and this ain't a race. Which brings me to the second problem, finding someone in the government who has read it, most admit they have not. How many TV court shows are filled with folks that didn't read the fine print.
So here is my plan....Instead of spending a trillion on what is bound to be a program that is bound to help special interest groups more than people....Lets pump this nations hospitals with some money...a bailout if you will...When folks are sick and uninsured they can go to the ER...Hospitals can put on “Well” clinics so the uninsured can get tested and or vaccinated for various things...Hospitals would be able to expand their staff to accommodate these programs....Regulate the pharmaceutical companies and purchase meds in bulk (and distribute them nationally) for more favorable pricing...Finally create a fund that allows folks who need expensive treatments to get those treatments regardless of ability to pay.
Wow look at that health care provided to all without selling our soul to special interest groups or people pushing a political agenda.
Fact: The uninsured generally use the ER's for health care and the ER's main gripe is they generally don't get paid for the services to the uninsured.

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