It has been a little bit since my last post. Tradgedy has struck the Southside of Chicago. A young 16 year old honor roll student was beaten to death in front of a crowd that was being video taped and NOBODY tried to stop it. While a lot of what happened is clouded by rumors there are some things we know. Derrion was not in a gang and he was a good student this kid had a future that didnt involve Cook County Correctional. The kids who are being charged with his murder are between 16 and 19 years old. Two rival gangs were fighting (does it really matter why) and poor Derrion was in the wrong place at the wrong time. As he is being beaten to dealth the person video taping is sounding like he is enjoying the whole performance...You can clearly hear a female in the background cheering "Do him in, Do him in". Finally, we know somebody set this childs memorial on fire...
There is rumored to have been two police officers that watched it all go down waiting for backup to intervene. Originally, I was angry but I think I understand it now. What could they do shoot the attackers then it would be there go the chicago police killing our kids again. And please dont think I am standing up for the chicago police cause in my opinion they are a big part of the problem.
The rumor is there was a shooting earlier in the day involving these two gangs at the school. If that is so then why wouldnt the chicago police have put extra security in place after school that day...
In the video you hear a number of horns honking cause fighting kids had taken over the street...Not a single citizen took it upon themselves to get out and try to get some order to the chaos and maybe save a life. Fear is No excuse, this is our city is this where and how we want to live.
I have not gotten any peace in the fact that three of these MONSTERS are in custody. I want the parents investigated. I keep hearing excuses on product of environment but that is just bullshit. We have enough examples of good folks making it out of some of the worst hoods in america and thriving...Most have one thing in common, family who cared.
Parents we are responsible for what our children become instead of letting our kids wanna be like Scarface can we not hold up someone positive. I have noticed children who do good in school in poorer neighborhoods are ridiculed for being smart, and sometimes it is the parents doing it. Other parents are too self absorbed in what they want to even be concerned over what their child is doing.
It has been said a million times, you need a license to drive a car but anyone can have a kid...It seems backwards.
So here are some Jen hard truths people
1. if you cant take care, afford, monitor, or properly parent the kids you have then stop haveing them.
2. stop stigmatizing people for being smart and propping up Gangsta Mac who always got the flyest cars and the baddest bitches.
3. Stop thinking you are a product of your environment and change your own destiny...No one is going to do it for you. We make our own choices in this life. To join a gang or not, to kill a person or not. to not value human life.
4. The people who did this were monsters, any potential they may have had ended when they joined a gang, after watching the tape these three were murderers who seemed to relish taking this innocent boys life.
5. It is not acceptable or understandable for any reason. There is no excuse.
6. We need to take back our streets and neighborhoods or stop complaining that all the good folks are moving out. I refuse to tell anyone to stay and risk their life when the popular attitude is "it is what it is, or this is normal". It is not ok and should never be considered normal.
Here is the link to this young mans murder
I never knew you Darrien, never know what you may have become, but I will keep you, your family and all of the youth of Chicago in my thoughts and prayers
Monday, September 28, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
When did Domestic Violence become acceptable
On the news recently, we have seen Chris Brown get punished (?) for beating Rhianna. Now we have Shawne Merriman in trouble for choking the train wreck known as Tila Tequila. Shawne's defense seems to be he was trying to keep her from drinking and driving. While I will commend anyone for keeping a drunk off the road, its the method that bothers me in this case...until I saw peoples comments.
On twitter, comments started popping up defending Merrimans actions because of Tila's character (or lack there of). Others were outraged that people havent forgiven Chris Brown. Very few messages were posted condeming Merrimans actions. Is this what we"ve come to?
Proponents of Brown cite he merely made a mistake, when he beat Rhianna into unconciousness. Survivors of domestic abuse knew that it wasnt the first time he had done this. A mistake is forgetting to sign a check, or an uncorrected typo not putting someone in the hospital because you were angry. Is he sorry now? DUH, he is in trouble so of course he is sorry, now. Should he be given another chance? No, what is did was serious, he can try and earn a second chance.
Merrimans case is a little different. He made a concious choice to have Tila in his life and specifically at his home. Who dosent know Tila has a drinking problem, an identity problem, std problems, and the maturity of a 14 yo. She has actively marketed these issues of hers into a carrer. When you hang out with effed up people, guess what, effed up things happened. Shawne is young, an athlete, and fairly well off financially...Why risk loosing it all because you hang out with loosers...In fact, I encourage Mr. Merriman to contact Mr. Vick to see what happens when you let any ol person ride on your coattails, for any reason.
Either situation, we the public seem to not be horrified by Domestic Violence anymore. We become the jury saying so and so deserved it, or calling it a mistake. As a survivor of domestic violence I am horrified what I see happening around me. Yet antoher reason I want my own island. SMH
On twitter, comments started popping up defending Merrimans actions because of Tila's character (or lack there of). Others were outraged that people havent forgiven Chris Brown. Very few messages were posted condeming Merrimans actions. Is this what we"ve come to?
Proponents of Brown cite he merely made a mistake, when he beat Rhianna into unconciousness. Survivors of domestic abuse knew that it wasnt the first time he had done this. A mistake is forgetting to sign a check, or an uncorrected typo not putting someone in the hospital because you were angry. Is he sorry now? DUH, he is in trouble so of course he is sorry, now. Should he be given another chance? No, what is did was serious, he can try and earn a second chance.
Merrimans case is a little different. He made a concious choice to have Tila in his life and specifically at his home. Who dosent know Tila has a drinking problem, an identity problem, std problems, and the maturity of a 14 yo. She has actively marketed these issues of hers into a carrer. When you hang out with effed up people, guess what, effed up things happened. Shawne is young, an athlete, and fairly well off financially...Why risk loosing it all because you hang out with loosers...In fact, I encourage Mr. Merriman to contact Mr. Vick to see what happens when you let any ol person ride on your coattails, for any reason.
Either situation, we the public seem to not be horrified by Domestic Violence anymore. We become the jury saying so and so deserved it, or calling it a mistake. As a survivor of domestic violence I am horrified what I see happening around me. Yet antoher reason I want my own island. SMH
Monday, September 7, 2009
We save the whales, and protect the bald eagle, but who is protecting common sense?
Those folks who know me, in life, know my goal is to buy myself an island. On my island I envision a Jen-topia of sorts. My island has no immigration issues because if you come uninvited...Shark Bait...My island has no draconian laws designed to enslave the masses...I am the masses....I am NOT a part of the Geneva Conventions so if you attack will be dealt with. The thing that drives my need for Jenland is the way the world has lost it's common sense...
I have learned that life is really simple, we make it difficult.
So here are some quick lessons in common sense, this important if you want an entry visa to Jenland.
- Lesson 1 - Everything you get in life is at the expense of someone else: This rule is important in understanding common sense. For example; say I am hired by ABC co. I got the job out of 1000 applicants. Thats a job opportunity I took from 999 other people (some of which may have needed it more). The pay I receive is paid for, ultimately, by the consumers of ABC Co's products (which is part of the reason they cost so much). I buy a house, that is 1 less house available for everyone else looking. I buy the only purple car at a car lot, I just took it from the next person who wanted a purple car.
- Lesson 2 – Life is full of challenges and triumphs: We have good times and we have bad times, thats just how it is. When did it become the norm to expect a perfect life? This is not a fairy tale people. In loosing common sense we have lost the ability to think logically. We are on a mission for the perfect body, the perfect children, and the perfect mate, yet put no thought into the hidden costs of how we attain it. We watch tragedy on TV knowing “that could never be me”. We want a world where everyone has a home, food, and the world in harmony. We want to drive our SUV's but we don't want to drill for the oil.
- Lesson 3 – A person will always look out for their own best interests: This is the biggest duh to me. If my son is hungry (say he hasn't eaten in a week) and you are hungry (say you haven't eaten in two weeks) and we both came to the last known piece of bread ...What would you do?...Most folks will say they would split the piece in half. Those people are liars. I would take the whole piece for my son, no question. Sure I would feel bad for you, I know you are hungry. But is my son and thats who I am worried about. Sure we can split it but that just means nobody will have enough. If I get it for my son, he then has a whole piece of bread to help him get to his next meal.
- Lesson 4 – Honesty is NEVER a bad thing/No is not a bad word: When did telling people the truth become equated with being mean. I have a friend who always says Yes to whatever anyone asks her to do. The catch, however, is she will not tell you she has no intention of doing it. When the time for her to perform comes, she merely calls the person with a made-up excuse as to why she couldn't make it. When you ask her why she does this she states I didn't want to hurt their feelings by saying no in the beginning. She is the Norm people. Lets say I meet a man who asks to take me on a date. So I am honest and tell him No I am not interested...Now I'm rude, a bitch, or even a lesbian. The same folks saying that about me may never know or care that he had beer on his breath at 9am, but how dare I not accept this invitation. Those who know me know I hold no cut cards. If you ask me a question, I will tell you the truth and I expect nothing less then the same. The people I am closest to in my life are those who love me enough to be honest with me even if, I don't WANT to hear it.
This concludes your first four lessons in Common Sense 101
Sunday, September 6, 2009
I solved Healthcare and Politics had nothing to do with it...
So I was thinking about when I was a kid and remembering before we had health insurance...I grew up in a family that lived check to check, yet my brother and I always got our checkups or went to the drs as needed. When health insurance came in the picture, even though I was still fairly young, I wondered how it could be possible, it just didn't seem logical. A family pays X amount to an insurance company per month and I get to see a Dr at a discount or and extremely low “co-payment”. What could be better...for the patient...or so it seemed.
As I got older I worked in the Insurance Industry and learned that the Dr really gets ripped off in the process. Say I pay my $10 Co-payment to my Dr. Lets also say that I am feeling sick and we suspect I have Strep throat. Now even though I only paid $10 I expect the Dr to run every test necessary in order to determine what my illness is as opposed to guessing. However those tests cost money....
Now the Dr. generally gets a stipend monthly for the patients whether they are seen or not, but generally its small. Then the Doctor has to submit the appropriate forms with procedures that have been completed. The insurance company then pays a portion of the costs for said visit and procedures. This does not always balance out as we can assume it does. Even worse is how long they wait to be reimbursed by the insurer.
Doctors are in turn paying off medical school loans, paying administrative costs, and expected to provide quality service with the latest and greatest in equipment and tools. More and more this is why you will wait past your appointment time to see the Dr for a few minutes.
So I thought how do we fix health care. I am AGAINST the health care being presented by our government. My main first problem with the current plan is how fast they are trying to push it thru...Nothing hurried gets done right except a race and this ain't a race. Which brings me to the second problem, finding someone in the government who has read it, most admit they have not. How many TV court shows are filled with folks that didn't read the fine print.
So here is my plan....Instead of spending a trillion on what is bound to be a program that is bound to help special interest groups more than people....Lets pump this nations hospitals with some money...a bailout if you will...When folks are sick and uninsured they can go to the ER...Hospitals can put on “Well” clinics so the uninsured can get tested and or vaccinated for various things...Hospitals would be able to expand their staff to accommodate these programs....Regulate the pharmaceutical companies and purchase meds in bulk (and distribute them nationally) for more favorable pricing...Finally create a fund that allows folks who need expensive treatments to get those treatments regardless of ability to pay.
Wow look at that health care provided to all without selling our soul to special interest groups or people pushing a political agenda.
Fact: The uninsured generally use the ER's for health care and the ER's main gripe is they generally don't get paid for the services to the uninsured.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Twitter and the National Football League (NFL)
At a time when teams are trimming their rosters, the twitter world was rocked by a tweet from Chad OchoCinco (arguably the most prolific tweeter the NFL has). In his tweet he let the fans know he would no longer be tweeting due to the NFL's new rules...
Now when I first heard of Twitter, I thought it was stupid. Why would I want to stalk people and in turn be stalked by people all while tweeting thoughts, feelings and locations in 140 words or less. Was I ever wrong.
First I started following and tweeting with my favorite football players which allowed me a glympse into the person inside the star. On twitter Chad OchoCinco was a football player, a regular dude, reporter of breaking news and star of the OchoCinco show. From watching this, I really grew to like the person and not just the athlete...
But Goodell and the NFL was watching...I can guess that their thought process went "we cant have players interacting with the fans directly and unfiltered"..."we are not making any money off of this"...or my personal favorite "this could reignite the fans passions for the game, despite my (Goodell) best efforts to destroy it, mwah ha ha".
As an intelligent fan i understand you dont want players tweeting their playbooks, and realistically who would do that. The players want to win, probably more than I want them to because their jobs can depend on it.
Now the NFL, realizing that they cant ban twitter outright has decided to implement a number of rules dictating how players tweet. One of these rules tell players no tweeting 90 mins. before or 90 mins. after a game. Why??? As I stated before these players want to win and they are professionals. Most will not tweet instead of preparing for a game, and those that do can be easily weeded out and their spot given to someone willing to do the work. Are players allowed to make phone calls 90 minutes before or after a game? What about emails? Can they speak with friends and family?
As Americans we have certain rights, free speech being one of them. I encourage all football fans and fans of free speech contact Goodell and tell him what you think of his "Dictatorship", I mean tenure as NFL Commish.
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell at (212) 450-2000 (please leave a message)
National Football League
Attn: Roger Goodell, Commissioner
280 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Now when I first heard of Twitter, I thought it was stupid. Why would I want to stalk people and in turn be stalked by people all while tweeting thoughts, feelings and locations in 140 words or less. Was I ever wrong.
First I started following and tweeting with my favorite football players which allowed me a glympse into the person inside the star. On twitter Chad OchoCinco was a football player, a regular dude, reporter of breaking news and star of the OchoCinco show. From watching this, I really grew to like the person and not just the athlete...
But Goodell and the NFL was watching...I can guess that their thought process went "we cant have players interacting with the fans directly and unfiltered"..."we are not making any money off of this"...or my personal favorite "this could reignite the fans passions for the game, despite my (Goodell) best efforts to destroy it, mwah ha ha".
As an intelligent fan i understand you dont want players tweeting their playbooks, and realistically who would do that. The players want to win, probably more than I want them to because their jobs can depend on it.
Now the NFL, realizing that they cant ban twitter outright has decided to implement a number of rules dictating how players tweet. One of these rules tell players no tweeting 90 mins. before or 90 mins. after a game. Why??? As I stated before these players want to win and they are professionals. Most will not tweet instead of preparing for a game, and those that do can be easily weeded out and their spot given to someone willing to do the work. Are players allowed to make phone calls 90 minutes before or after a game? What about emails? Can they speak with friends and family?
As Americans we have certain rights, free speech being one of them. I encourage all football fans and fans of free speech contact Goodell and tell him what you think of his "Dictatorship", I mean tenure as NFL Commish.
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell at (212) 450-2000 (please leave a message)
National Football League
Attn: Roger Goodell, Commissioner
280 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017
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